
Planet of the apes strong together scene
Planet of the apes strong together scene

planet of the apes strong together scene

Additionally, he's Will's next door neighbor.He doesn't get to jump on the guy like that. It's not just some random stranger and it is not his house. It's not his property and Franklin was calling for Will. Not to mention confronting and threatening Franklin outside Will's house.Persuing said chimp when it instantly leaves and trying to beat it with a baseball bat? Asshole. Also: fending off a chimp near your kids, fine.Basically, he's the type of person who does whatever he wants and expects the world to conform. Plus, there was that minor incident where he decided it would be a good idea to fly around the world even though he knew he was sick. His anger may have been justified in a few cases but, hey, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He beats up an old man out of anger, threatens people, hates everybody, etc. He treats everybody like crap, regardless of what they're doing. The post-credits scene even puts the blame of the impending destruction of humankind on him, not Will, the guy who actually created the supervirus that won't be beaten by human antibodies. Him being upset is completely understandble. And finally, he finds a crazy looking guy near his home, yelling at the top of his lungs and spitting diseased blood on him. Then there is Will's dad wrecking his car. Why does the film insists on presenting him as some sort of ultimate asshole? First his daughter comes to him afraid that there is a friggin' chimp in the house.

Planet of the apes strong together scene